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Conversation from the Front Line with SF District Attorney Chesa Boudin

Wednesday, February 24, 2021 12 Adar 5781

5:00 PM - 6:00 PMOnline

Join us for a fascinating conversation with Chesa Boudin, the District Attorney of San Francisco, who has drawn praise and criticism for his policies around prosecution, policing and incarceration. Interviewing DA Boudin will be Warren Braunig, who in addition to being an active lay leader of Sherith Israel is an experienced litigator who specializes in intellectual property and antitrust issues.  Submit questions for the discussion to

Chesa Boudin is the elected District Attorney of San Francisco. DA Boudin’s commitment to promotion of social justice and the concept of Tikkun Olam stems from his early identity and experiences growing up in the Jewish faith. Personally impacted by parental incarceration and the failings of the criminal justice system, DA Boudin’s career has focused on reforming the criminal justice system from the inside. 

As District Attorney, DA Boudin works to make our communities safer by developing data-driven policies to expand alternatives to incarceration and treat the root causes of crime.  In his first few months in office, DA Boudin ended the office's practice of asking for cash bail, eliminated status enhancements, implemented California's first diversion program for primary caregivers, and ended the prosecution of charges resulting from pre-textual traffic stops. He has also implemented numerous police reforms; started an innovative Economic Crimes Against Workers Unit to protect workers from exploitation; and has succeeded in reducing the jail population in San Francisco even as crime rates declined.  His office has initiated historic prosecutions to hold law enforcement officers accountable when they break the law. 

DA Boudin remains committed to being a “rodef shalom” by pursuing reforms that promote racial and economic justice, center crime survivors, and protect public safety.

Read more about A Conversation from the Front Line

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Mon, February 17 2025 19 Sh'vat 5785