Holding Complexity: Progressive Jews & Antisemitism
Past SessionsWednesday, May 29, 2024 • 21 Iyar 5784 - 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Wednesday, May 15, 2024 • 7 Iyar 5784 - 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Wednesday, May 1, 2024 • 23 Nisan 5784 - 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
5 pm: Dinner, 5:30-7 pm Program
The increased manifestation of antisemitism in our country and beyond is not only painful and frightening but also complex. Join Rabbi Julie Saxe-Taller and members of Sherith Israel to learn a framework for understanding the role of antisemitism in our society and to build our capacity to address it together. Members only. In person.
We will address:
- How antisemitism is being used to fan fires of polarization, isolation and fear;
- How antisemitism impacts us as individuals as well as families and communities;
- How antisemitism and other oppressions such as racism interact;
- What we can do to build our resilience, counter antisemitism and maintain relationships across differences in experience and opinion.
Rabbi Julie Saxe-Taller was the Lead Organizer for the California Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism (RAC-CA), the statewide network of congregations organizing for justice from 2018-2023. She previously served as Rabbi for Sherith Israel in San Francisco. She lives in Berkeley and is passionate about bringing the spiritual, creative and justice-seeking elements of Judaism together with people of all ages.
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Sun, February 16 2025
18 Sh'vat 5785