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Kabbalat Shabbat

Friday, January 24, 2025 24 Tevet 5785

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Service led by Rabbi Jessica Graf, Rabbi George Altshuler with cantorial soloist Simon Barrad and music director Jonathan Dimmock. Drash in celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day by Rev. Dr. Ambrose Carroll, Sr., Founder and Senior Pastor of Renewal Worship Center, Oakland, CA and CEO of Green the Church. Rev. Carroll will discuss his initiatives in climate and racial justice. Followed by a festive Oneg. Streams on YouTube. Followed by a festive Oneg sponsored by Climate Action Team and Social Action Committee. 

Rev. Dr. Ambrose F. Carroll is one of the nation's premiere Practical Theologians. A 1987 graduate of Oakland High School, Ambrose now holds a B.S. in Clinical/Community Psychology from Florida Memorial University, Miami, FL. A Master’s of Divinity from Morehouse School of Religion, Atlanta, GA; a Doctor of Divinity from United Theological Seminary, Dayton, Ohio; and a Master of Business Administration from Golden Gate University’s Ageno School of Business, San Francisco, CA
Dr. Carroll serves on the NEJAC, which is the National Environmental Justice Action Committee for the United States Environmental Protection Agency and is the founder of Green the Church, which is a national organization that exists to be a repository and a catalyst for sustainable practices at the intersection of the Environmental Movement and the Black Church Worldwide.

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Sun, February 16 2025 18 Sh'vat 5785